Nowhere in the world, the concept of Deemed University is in vogue. India has the dubious distinction of calling some higher educational institutions as Deemed – to – be University. Even as per the present UGC stipulations, a higher educational institution may be declared as a deemed university only after 10 years of solid and substantially high quality education with infrastructural facilities, more importantly, excellent research facilities, backed up by highly competent and eminent guides.
It is sad that some of the institutions which got deemed university recognition has not even completed one year of existence. Any management of such institution, with correct contact at the UGC and HRD ministries, could easily get the deemed university status, and get away with the murder of quality education.
Prof. Yashpal, an academician of highest repute, who was the pioneer in recommending to the Govt of India, on numerous occasions with his exemplary reports for uplifting the quality of education in India, was heartbroken to see mushrooming of deemed universities, to over 120 in number in Chatisgarh, which made him file a public interest litigation petition in Supreme Court, way back in 2004, against such blatant breach of norms in according Deemed University status.
The Supreme Court took note of such serious degradation in the higher educational system, passed the historic judgment in de-recognising those dubious universities in Chatisgarh by a stroke of pen.
Unfortunately, that was not the end of the road for deemed university system. The mushrooming continued with the blessings of the-power-that-be. Now, out of 126 such deemed to be universities, 88 such universities are found to be worthless by the Tandon committee report. Here again, justice is done only in installment.
44 Universities have now been de-recognized, by the HRD ministry and the remaining 44 universities have been given an extended lease of life for another 3 years of life to improve the standard or face the axe.
But, the tragedy is the fate of over 2 lakh students and faculty members in these 44 universities, which got de-recognized. The Damocles sword is hanging above the remaining 44 universities.
Dr Balaguruswamy, former Vice Chancellor of Anna University, was perfectly right in his observation that the higher education system, would collapse under deemed university system, as he had the first hand information about the maladies.
(This is the extract of the interview given by the author to Deccan Chronicle on 23rd January 2010)